Psychology Majors What is health psychology? psychology What is health psychology In the past, psychologists have only taken care of mental state and ignored physical health. In the mid-twentieth... read more
Types Of Psychology Definition of general psychology, its importance, objectives and methods psychology general psychology General psychology is the theoretical basis for all other branches of psychology whether theoretical or applied. The gen... read more
Oddity In Psychology What is plant psychology ? psychology Don't underestimate the "minds" of plants A study confirms that plants have brains, so what is the nature of those brains? Ho... read more
Scholarships In Psychology studying psychology psychology How do you start studying psychology and what are the areas of work for this major? Studying psychology is one of the most important univer... read more
Psychology Majors positive psychology psychology What is positive psychology? Psychology can be defined as a scientific study of human behavior and reason which aims to understand, interpr... read more
Oddity In Psychology psychotherapy psychology Definition of psychotherapy methods and techniques of psychotherapy What is psychotherapy? Techniques and types of psychotherapy psychother... read more