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positive psychology

 What is positive psychology?

Psychology can be defined as a scientific study of human behavior and reason which aims to understand, interpret, predict and control behavior. Psychology encompasses many types of branches, including psychoanalysis, which believes that people can be treated by raising self-awareness of their unconscious thoughts and motivations, as well as behavioral theory that specializes in the study of human behaviors and depends on experience and observation, as well as human theory which focuses on the analysis of feelings that lead the human being in his life recently emerged positive psychology.

Read in this article:

  • Psychology Curriculum:
  • What is positive psychology?
  • The value of positive psychology:
  • Positive psychology and mental health:
  • The role of positive psychology in the workplace:

Psychology Curriculum:

Scientific method: 

The scientific approach is characterized by the collection of events and information through regular observation rather than casual, as well as on objective rather than subjective observation, i.e. relying on observation that cannot be influenced by the researcher's old inclinations, emotions and ideas, as well as on the observation that can be verified; that is, other researchers can return it and produce the same results.

Subconscious Meditation Method: 

This approach is based on internal observations or introspection, which means observing a person and what happens in his or her feelings, whether through his or her sensory, mental or emotional experiences, the observation is characterized by its regularity and accuracy, as it seeks to describe, analyze and sometimes interpret these cases, examples of introspection are when a person explains what he feels to others, but he faces many objections because of the fact that it is subjective and cannot be verified.

Experimental method: 

Science in its research cannot stop waiting for events and phenomena to occur in order to observe them, so the progress of research will be slow, so humans must intervene to arrange the circumstances in which phenomena occur in a certain way and then notice what is happening, This is the experience; the experience of a deliberate observation is not limited by conditions that place it under the researcher's control and supervision

What is positive psychology?

Post-European psychology has reached the level of healing, focusing on repairing the imbalance in individual performance through the use of pathological models which has neglected the potential and forces of the individual, with the development of science in the 20th century, the positive psychology that seeks to focus on treatment by building positive thoughts and feelings, as well as developing positive qualities as a source of personal growth rather than concern with the disease and its associated problems.

Positive psychology can be defined as a modern science that focuses on the study and development of human personality, as well as the search for everything that helps a person to make his life better by studying the adaptive roles of emotions and positive features, as well as everything that connects the individual to psychological well-being and happiness, positive psychology has been interested in looking for positive aspects of the individual and understanding his or her strengths as an alternative to researching negative aspects and mental disorders, as was prevalent in pathological psychology.

Positive psychology and the positive areas it contains contribute to individuals mental health, where positive feelings and ideas help people make their lives valuable and meaningful, to clarify what positive psychology is; Peterson and Seligman formalized the principles of positive psychology by writing a book entitled "The Power of Personality and Virtues," which includes classifications of the strengths that enable the individual to flourish, divided into six virtues from which twenty-four sections emerge.

When a person has these virtues that help him to enhance the psychological and intellectual capacity of the individual and to meet the challenges and difficulties he faces, also to reach satisfaction, a sense of happiness and a good life, knowing these virtues will help answer the question: what is positive psychology, these virtues are: wisdom, knowledge, humanity, moderation, restraint, transcendence courage and justice.

The value of positive psychology:

  • Positive psychology improves mental, mental and physical health levels in individuals and reduces the level of depression and anxiety.
  • This science improves the ability of individuals to build and maintain positive social relationships, as well as to promote adaptive behaviors and personal growth of the individual, and is associated with positive moods and high levels of optimism and happiness.
  • Improves individuals' resilience, as well as helps the individual cope with the daily pressures and crises to which he or she is exposed.
  • This science improves an individual's self-confidence and self-awareness, and is better able to regulate, control, complacency and take responsibility.
  • The ability of the individual to make the right decision and set appropriate goals according to a positive understanding of events increases.

Positive psychology and mental health:

We must understand how positive psychology contributes to the prevention of mental illness, where positive feelings and thoughts make an individual's life more prosperous by promoting psychological resilience and positive adaptation, as well as achieving social efficiency and increasing the ability to effectively deal with events through self-regulation and positive understanding, also taking proactive steps to promote psychological well-being and bring the individual to high levels of happiness, hope and optimism.

In order to answer (what is positive psychology) we will talk about the levels of positive psychology, first the level of self-focus on positive self-experience, such as psychological satisfaction and happiness, and secondly the individual level that is associated with positive personality, such as love, courage, perseverance, wisdom, tolerance and originality, thirdly the collective level and centered around virtues and civic institutions that move individuals for the better, such as responsibility, altruism, justice, tolerance, responsibility and gratitude.

The role of positive psychology in the workplace:

Promoting factors and understanding allows individuals and society to develop, so positive psychology in the work environment focuses on diverting attention from negative aspects, such as fatigue and lack of job security to create a work environment aimed at enhancing the positive impact of its employees, as having positive ideas and emotions affects an individual's behavior and dealing with stressful events and attitudes in the work environment, as it develops motivation and positive, emotional and creative aspects.

In order to illustrate the postiveness of this question (what is positive psychology) and the relationship it has with the workplace, it increases the capacity of individuals so that individuals in society can work within the community and cooperate in the work environment, leading to commitment, job satisfaction productivity and increased quality of service provided, as well as contributing to personal and career goals by enhancing performance in order to achieve goals and make decisions and actions that help to reach it.

When an individual has positive ideas and feelings that make him more flexible when setting goals and dealing with them, or changing them to goals that adapt to the requirements of the environment surrounding him, this in turn enhances his or her sense of self-competence, access to job satisfaction and improved achievement, which in turn reflects on the workplace.


  • foundations of psychology
  • psychology
  • positive psychology
  • Positive psychology and mental health
  • Psychology and Philosophy
  • The value of positive psychology
  • Principles of Psychology
  • Psychology Curricula


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