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studying psychology

 How do you start studying psychology and what are the areas of work for this major?

Studying psychology is one of the most important university disciplines that open the student after graduation many practical areas required. in the labor market, and help the student to become highly qualified in understanding behaviors and personalities from different walks of society.

The specialty of the study of psychology is concerned with everything related to human psychology, through understanding his behaviors and diverse thinking patterns, scientifically analyzing his personality, as well as studying psychological problems in all their details and knowing their causes and how to diagnose and treat them. After graduating from psychology, the student is qualified to do a lot of research and studies through which he can provide advice, learn about self development, and other psychological issues of interest to society. In our article below you will learn all the details related to this specialty and its branches.

Features of the psychology major

  • There are many reasons why you choose to specialize in psychology, especially if you are one of the people who have interests in understanding the psychologies of humans in different societies, and you have a passion for analyzing personalities and understanding the diverse behaviors that result from people's actions.
  • Studying psychology helps the student find solutions to his personal problems or those of others around him simply and easily, and the psychology student can understand things logically and rationally better than others, as he will be fully aware of all human behavior, whether human or animal, and the possibility of interpreting and analyzing it logically. 
  • A graduate of psychology will acquire many skills that help him in his personal life later, as he will acquire the skill of good listening, learn patience, and will be able to apply what was studied at the university to his personal life, and will also help him develop himself and develop his abilities, in addition to his good behavior in difficult situations, and deal with crises that he encounters rationally away from mobs and exaggeration. 

Disadvantages of studying psychology

Some believe that the study of psychology is one of the most complex and difficult disciplines, but it is not possible to stand at the disadvantages of specialization, the degree of difficulty varies between one student and another according to his skills and intellectual and mental abilities, and according to his educational achievement and excellence, in this case it is recommended to read some psychology books in order for the student to be familiar with the specialization and to avoid experiencing difficulties that he may face during study. Among the disadvantages or difficulties faced by a psychology student are:

  1. Some psychology materials are closely related to scientific materials, are essential to specialization and cannot be neglected, and sometimes difficult for the student to study. 
  2. There are many subjects that should be taught in English, which is difficult for some students who have difficulty understanding the language well. 
  3. Psychology has many important disciplines to study, putting pressure on the student during study.
  4. Studying psychology requires the preparation of many researches and studies on an ongoing basis, which exhausts the student, especially if he is not diligent.
  5. Some students find it difficult to understand and study psychological terms and concepts because of the many psychological schools that they must all study in their terms. 
  6. Studying psychology requires going down the field to apply what has been studied at the university for the possibility of obtaining a degree in the chosen specialty.

Branches of Psychology

Psychology is one of the most important university disciplines with many branches, allowing the student the freedom to choose from them as he sees fit for his affiliation and ambition, which makes him go to work easily after graduation. The following are the branches and sections of psychology.

  • General Psychology: 

One of the basics of the branches of psychology, whether theoretical or applied, includes the entrances to psychology and the basic definitions of other branches. 

  • Philosophical Psychology: 

The student studies the relationship between philosophy and psychology and its impact on the behaviors and patterns of individuals and society. 

  • Social Psychology: 

In this section, the student studies the individual's relationship with society, its influence and influence on it, as well as the behaviors of the community as a whole and the extent to which the individual is affected. 

  • Sports Psychology: 

The student studies the psychological impact on the individual during sports performance and the extent to which he or she is affected, and explains the behavior of sports and the factors affecting it. 

  • Pathological Psychology:

A study on mental illness and mental disorders, their causes and methods of treatment.

  • Political psychology: 

It means studying political behavior, understanding politics, the relationship of politicians to it, their influence on politics and their political influence on society, and the relationship between politics and psychology. 

  • Tourism Psychology: 

It means studying understanding individual behavior and its relationship to tourism work, as well as examining the problems that people working with tourism may face and their relationship with tourists. 

It means studying human development in the sense of understanding the developmental development that occurs to humans in their stages of development from the beginning of their nails through adolescence to the stage of aging, and the extent to which they are affected by the age stages they are going through and their impact on their behaviors. 

  • Health Psychology: 

The Health Psychology Study Branch is interested in understanding individuals' behaviors and their impact on health and disease, and the impact of the psychological factor on their health. 

  • Physiological psychology: 

It means studying the relationship between human behavior and physiological organs.

  • Cognitive Psychology: 

A branch of micro psychology, also called cognitive psychology, is concerned with studying internal mental processes, understanding the mechanism underlying human thinking, perception and remembering things, as well as finding solutions to related problems. 

  • Human psychology:

a branch of applied psychology, which means studying the psychological and behavioral analysis of man, interpreting human phenomena, understanding the reality of the individual and his drive towards his own desires and how to satisfy them.

  • Criminal Psychology:

It means studying and understanding the behaviors of criminals, the motives that led them to commit crimes, and their reactions after the crime. 

  • Punitive psychology: 

It means studying the relationship between a person and the psychological pressures he is subjected to because of punishment, such as the pressures felt by prisoners, the pressures felt by children towards punishing the teacher or guardian, and the extent to which his or her behaviors are affected by punishment. 

  • Industrial Psychology: 

A branch of applied psychology, which means understanding and studying the behavior of workers, studying and treating problems between workers and the extent to which this affects work and production, in addition to studying the accidents resulting from work and their causes, improving the relationship between the president and the subordinate, vocational qualification for people with special needs, analyzing the professions to achieve the greatest benefit to production and providing the right atmosphere to motivate workers on their productive capacity. 

  • Educational psychology: 

one of the basic theoretical and applied branches of psychology, which means studying the general principles of psychology and applying them on the ground in the field of education, in addition to studying human behavior in practice in various educational patterns.

  • Administrative Psychology: 

It means studying human behavior in various administrative fields in a deep study that includes analysis, classification and interpretation of this behavior and its impact on the administrative field.

  • Family Psychology: 

Is to study and analyze the family and its relationship with society, the relationship of the individual to the family and the family, to study and understand the behaviors of family families and their relationship with each other, and to solve the problems facing family members. 

  • Environmental Psychology: 

Is to study human behavior and its vulnerability to the surrounding environment. 

  • Traffic Psychology: 

It means studying the behavior of the individual on the road and traffic, solving the problems that the individual is exposed to on the road, and improving his behaviors to avoid traffic hazards and accidents and to improve traffic. 

  • Music Psychology: 

Cares about everything about music and musicians, explaining how music is received and integrated. 

  • Legal psychology: 

This section deals with everything related to the law, such as legal institutions and persons dealing directly with the law, and the study of legal and social principles and how they are applied. 

  • Psychology of individual differences: 

The study of psychology is concerned with determining the physical and individual differences in human beings and how to deal with them, and how they affect the individual, and people among themselves.

  • Religious psychology: 

Also known as the psychology of religions, this branch is concerned with religious and spiritual matters in all aspects, its origin, its development, the behavior of the religious individual and his influence on religious beliefs and the impact of his association with religion with his behaviors and emotions. 

  • NLP: 

A study on how to develop human behavior and guide it towards creativity and help others achieve real success and better achievement, through several methods based on human cognitive, sensory and linguistic principles.

  • Military Psychology: 

A recent branch of psychology, it deals with the study of the preparation and organization of the army in accordance with the principles and fundamentals of psychology. 

  • Experimental psychology: 

or sequophysically, a branch of modern psychology, is one of the main branches, where it deals with the study of the development of methods and methods of scientific research by innovative means, in addition to studying some psychological phenomena such as remembering, learning and cognition. 

  • Biological psychology: 

Also known as biopsychology or behavioral neuroscience, it is concerned with studying how biology is applied to human behavioral and mental processes, the relationship of mental illnesses experienced by an individual to his or her biological composition and whether these diseases have something to do with inheritance or are acquired.

  •  Pharmacology: 

This section is interested in studying the types of drugs and drugs taken in neurological and psychological conditions, classifying them according to their mechanism of action, how they affect the human nervous system and their relationship to the psychological aspect of the patient.

  • Animal Psychology: 

Is interested in studying animal behaviors and the relationship between them and the development of breeds, and the relationship and behaviors of humans to animal behaviors and understanding.

  •  Dynamic Psychology: 

A branch of psychology, where he is interested in studying psychoanalysis according to the School of Al-Jashatalt, one of the psychological schools based on the law of all is greater than the sum of the parts.

  • Cycosum diseases: 

known as psychological medicine, or psychosomatic diseases, a branch of psychiatry, means studying diseases that are heavily affected by psychological and mental factors on the patient, i.e. more precisely those diseases that the doctor does not find an explanation for at clinical examination and whose causes are due to the patient's psychological condition such as migraines, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. 

  • The psychology of addiction: 

one of the important branches of the study of psychology or psychiatry, which means studying everything related to the behaviors of the addicted individual, the disorders to which the addict is exposed, how to discover the causes of addiction and the methods of psychological treatment that depend on the principle of reward. 

  • Clinical Psychology:

One of the most widespread branches of psychology, it is also one of the most important branches, as it is one of the basics of psychological sciences based on the study and understanding of clinical theory the nature of the relationship between the psychological patient and the pressures or disorders he suffers from, and how to overcome them and diagnose them accurately scientifically.

What are the psychology majors?

For each psychology discipline, subjects taught during school years, we will mention here the basic subjects taught in psychology disciplines in general, which you can take all and can take some, depending on the branch you will specialize in. These include:
  1. Principles of Psychology: The subject through which the student will learn about the most important basic terms and concepts that will help him later understand the branches and other materials, and he will learn about the history of psychology during her studies, which is one of the most important subjects of psychology. 
  2. Neuroscience: One of the basic subjects taught, where the student learns about the biological fundamentals of human behavior, the relationship of behavior to human hormones and the extent to which his behaviors are affected.
  3. Developmental Psychology: One of the basic and important subjects, the student learns how the mind develops at different stages of human life. 
  4. Health Psychology: Through this article, the student studies the impact of psychological condition and human behaviors on general human health. 
  5. Education and knowledge: it means teaching the mechanism of human thinking, cognitive and memory. 
  6. Sociology: A key subject in psychology, it is about studying the psychological conditions of a group of individuals or an entire community, the relationship of the individual to his or her community and the extent to which his or her behaviors are influenced by the society around him.
  7. Psychotherapy: An important subject taught in psychology, where the student learns about the methods of diagnosing and treating the patient's mental and disorders.

How many years study psychology?

The duration of the psychology study takes four years, including the first year is considered preparatory, and the other three years are studied according to the branch chosen by the student to specialize in it. The duration can be reduced to two and a half years if the student enrolls in a summer semester.

Study Psychology in America

The United States of America is known to have the best universities in the world as a whole, students can study psychology at a summit college in the United States of America, and will have the opportunity to study psychology among the best programs available efficiently. U.S. psychology graduates can apply for master's programs, where students are allowed to attend an American university and be allowed to do research and studies at home and abroad, and can apply their studies in practice, and if asked about the best post-bachelor's degree in America, or the most sought-after specialty by overseas students, is clinical psychology, there are many graduate students from the Arab world who attend American universities to specialize in this field. One of the best universities to attend in the United States is to study psychology, We will mention but a few, Harvard University, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, California Los Angeles, Yale University, Princeton University, University of North Texas. It is worth mentioning that the study of psychology in the United States in English only.

Study Psychology in Germany

Psychology is one of the most sought after disciplines in Germany, as the student graduates from university and gets good job opportunities in this field. Classes at German universities for specialization study range from 6 to 8 classes, and after graduation you can apply for a master's degree of 2 to 4 classes, knowing that psychology subjects are taught in German, but the student will need some scientific articles written in English. Among the best German universities in psychology are the University of Dresden, the University of Braunsweig, the University of Goethe, the University of Bonn, and the University of Mannheim.

Study psychology from a distance

Distance study areas have become widely available in recent years, education is no longer limited to personal attendance to pursue studies and obtain the highest degrees. Many university specialties are now accessible to everyone online; Small or much lower fees than attendance and commitment to university seats.

fields of psychology

The areas of work in psychology are numerous and many, depending on the specialization studied by the student, where he can work after graduation in hospitals and mental health centers, or private clinics as a psychiatrist, schools and universities can work as a psychologist, social worker or even a psychology teacher, and can also work in orphanages or homes for the elderly and people with special needs. Companies and institutions can also work within the Human Resources Department.

Psychology graduate salaries

The graduate always aspires to a good monthly income within a job within his or her specialty, here, we will give you the average salary earned by a psychology graduate for basic or higher disciplines, if you will:
  1. Psychiatry: The psychiatrist's job is the highest paid of other psychology disciplines, with the average income per doctor ranging from $98,000 to $250,000 per year. 
  2. Industrial Psychology: The income for a graduate of industrial psychology ranges from $40,000 to $115,000 per year. 
  3. Neuropsychology: Or neurophysiology, a graduate's income per year ranges from $63,000 to $124,000. 
  4. Engineering Psychology: An engineering psychology graduate who usually works for private companies and institutions, giving him the opportunity to earn a relatively high wage, with an annual income of $77,000 to $117,000. 
  5. Clinical Psychology: The most sought-after specialty in the labor market, the average annual income of a graduate ranges from $46,000 to $107,000, depending on competence and experience.
Studying psychology is one of the best disciplines required in the Arab and international labor market, and it is not as complex as the student imagines, it is a discipline that can be said to be easy and refraining, needs special skills enjoyed by the student in order to successfully exceed the years of study and feel fun in field work. We hope that we have fulfilled all inquiries regarding the specialization of psychology.

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  • Psychology major
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  • study psychology
  • psychology
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  • areas of work


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