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personality assessment in psychology


If you ask a question about which psychological test is most common in the world Raymond cattle's questionnaire will certainly.

 be included in the top three. This test is incredibly common among psychologists and among those who are simply interested in self-knowledge and personal growth. After all, castell's questionnaire can tell us a lot about your personality: how sensitive, social, disciplined, and much more.

If you agree with the phrase or you can answer the question in the affirmative, select the box next to it. Try to imagine typical situations and give the first "natural" answer that comes to your mind. Answer quickly and accurately. Remember that there are no "good" or "bad" answers.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Theoretical and practical psychology is a science of amazing depth that allows you to learn the secrets of human consciousness. This science never stops and improves every day, and deepens further and further into the study of human personality and behavior.

Psychology tests are one way to study the human mind. Today, it is difficult to calculate the types of tests accurately. A variety of questionnaires allow anyone to understand themselves and discover many of their personality secrets, without contacting a specialist directly.

It is important to note that there are psychological tests for women and men separately, but we will consider the general test method in psychology, which is not divided by sex. Let's deal with the secrets of our consciousness together.

Where does the psychological test be used?

Psychological tests with answers are used in the following cases:

To establish the characteristics of human personality.
Psychology exams for students help determine the future specialization of the younger generation.
As a way to help determine the details of a child's development.
If necessary, confirm the professional suitability of the subject.
To confirm mental health.

In fact, testing in psychology is a great area, and is applied in different areas. But we will focus on the first task -- personality traits -- and try to study their respective personality traits as accurately as possible.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Eysenck test

Personality psychology tests occupy a great deal of space in this science. The first questionnaire to pass in order to better understand yourself is the Eysenck test, or in other words, a person's mood study. There are 4 main types of mood: sputum and sadness. How do you take psychological tests? To determine which types you can attribute yourself to, you must answer the following 57 questions. Just answer "yes" or "no."

1. Do you like being in the midst of the hustle and bustle?

2. Do you tend to get anxious because you don't know what you want?

3. Are you the kind of person who doesn't go into their pockets with a single word?

4. Are you prone to unreasonable mood swings?

5. Do you try to bypass noisy parties and feasts, and if you are there, do you try to be as far from the center of attention as possible?

6. Do you always do what is required of you?

7. Are you often in a bad mood?

8. In quarrels, your main principle is silence?

9. Does your mood change easily?

10. Do you like being around people?

11. Do you happen to be unable to sleep because of disturbing thoughts?

12. Would you be considered stubborn?

13. Are you considered dishonest?

14. Do they say you're not a resourceful person?

15. Best job alone?

16. Bad mood - a frequent and unreasonable guest?

17. Do you consider yourself an active person at the center of life?

18. Can they make you laugh?

19. Have you ever had such a case when there is something sore in the throat?

20. Do you feel confident only in clothes that are familiar and comfortable?

21. Is it hard for you to focus?

22. Do you find it difficult to express your thoughts in words?

23. Do you often indulge in personal thoughts?

24. Are you someone who rejects prejudice?

25. Do you consider yourself a fan of jokes?

26. Do you primarily think about work?

27. Is it important to you to eat deliciously?

28. When you want to speak frankly, is it important that the person you are speaking with is in a good mood?

29. Don't like to borrow?

30. Do you tend to show off?

31. Do you think you are sensitive to anything?

32. Would you rather a solo gathering at home than a raucous party?

33. Do you suffer from severe anxiety?

34. Do you make plans too soon?

35. Do you feel dizzy?

36. Do you reply to messages right away?

37. Are you better if you do it yourself more than a group?

38. Do you suffer from shortness of breath even without exercising?

39. Do you consider yourself a person who can safely deviate from generally accepted norms (within the norm)?

40. Worried about your nervous system?

41. Do you like making plans?

42. Is it better to postpone what can be done today until tomorrow?

43. Afraid of confined spaces?

44. Are you proactive when you first meet someone?

45. Do you have a severe headache?

46. ​​Do you hold that many problems can be solved by themselves?

47. Do you suffer from insomnia?

48. Cliffs for Lies?

49. Do you happen to say the first thing that comes to your mind?

50. When you find yourself in a stupid situation, do you often think about it and worry about it?

51. Are you closed?

52. Do you often find yourself in unpleasant situations?

53. Are you an avid storyteller?

54. The important thing is not victory, but participation.. Isn't that about you?

55. Are you uncomfortable in a society where people are higher in social standing than you?

56. When things pile up on you, do you keep working?

57. Are you overwhelmed by raising an important issue?

Now let's check the key.

test key

We will determine by several factors: extraversion - introversion, the level of neuroticism and the magnitude of lies. For each match with the answer, one point is added.

extraversion - introversion

Answers "yes": 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56. No answers: 5, 15 20, 29, 32, 34, 37, 41, 51. As you can see, some question numbers are missing. This is not a mistake and it should be. Check with the key to this item. Take a look at the circle (see image below) 

- the horizontal line refers to the diastolic scale - introverted. The more points on this basis, the more you tend to be simple and vice versa. Number 12 is the average.

neurotic scale

The neurotic scale on the same circle has a label of stability and instability. Here's just "yes" you need to check the answers. Answers "yes": 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57. Neurotic scale helps measure the stability of the nervous system. It exists vertically and you need to deal with it in the same way as in the previous paragraph.


The scale of lies is not displayed on the circle, but many questions are particularly highlighted to determine them. Answers "yes": 6, 24 and 36. No answers: 12, 18, 30 42, 48. It should be noted that when answering such psychological tests with answers, you must first be very honest with yourself. The key to this metric is as simple as possible: if you get more than 4 points in this item, it means you haven't been honest about some things. The 4th and lower mark indicates a normal response rate.

In some interpretations, there is a split between psychological tests for women and men, because the beautiful half of humanity is more susceptible to emotion, which may have little effect on test results.

Interpretations of the Eysenck circle

The tests are completed by determining our temperament type. Take another look at the circle and find the point of intersection of the two previous signs. The new (third) point will be placed in the quadrant that represents your mood type.


People in this mood are jubilant. They are often the leaders of the group and lead people, and they are active and active. These people's mood is always positive, and it's easy for them to create new knowledge, they feel comfortable among a new circle of people.

Optimistic people need constant change and modernity. This is a real need, because if you force an optimistic person to do hard work for a long time, his joy will fade and he will become inactive and inactive. Therefore, these people easily move from one place to another and acquire new knowledge.

Cold/ Phlegmy

 people are quiet people. It is difficult to anger them and force them to show their feelings. Phlegm people control all their actions, and rarely lose sight of anything and think about every step.

It is not easy to influence a person's mood change due to cold blood. But people who belong to this mood need to try to be more active and not allow excessive immersion in their thoughts, which can lead to a bad mood.


 people coli live in an outbreak. Their emotions can change when you click, and the fluctuations of activity can change. These people do any work, but sometimes they can't complete it because of lack of energy. 

Colonists are passionate and quick-tempered, so they can easily quarrel with anyone. These individuals need to control themselves more.


The mental processes of black people are very slow. It is almost impossible to get these people out of a state of mental balance. Such a person feels uncomfortable in a large company, in a group whose performance declines. It's more convenient for the dreary to work alone. Such a person is afraid of something new. Dreary people rarely share their experiences and keep everything to themselves. You can end up in this kind of mood. Your first step in knowing yourself is complete. Think more about interesting tests in psychology.

Lusher test

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Psychological color tests are widely used by specialists in their work not only with children. They are no less useful for evaluating adult characters. This test in psychology is a way to understand your current state of mind. Lutcher's questionnaire is based on 7 colors. There are many explanations for this study, in addition to the differences in the most interesting test in psychology. But we'll focus on a short but no less accurate version:

1. Prepare a pen and paper.

2Take a look at the picture (see above). You have 7 colors in front of you. You need to choose the most preferred and happiest color for you right now. Please note that you don't need to connect the color you choose to your favorite color in clothing, surroundings, fashion trends, etc. Your choice must be as neutral as possible and not depend on your personal preferences. You make the choice based solely on current wishes.

3. After that, you need to continue to choose according to the same principle: choose the most fun color for yourself from the rest. Type the color selection order on paper After that, you need to continue to choose according to the same principle: choose the most fun color for yourself from the rest. Type the color selection order on paper After that, you need to continue to choose according to the same principle: choose the most fun color for yourself from the rest. Type the color selection order on paper.

This completes the first phase. But we don't stop there and move on to phase two:

1. Let's use a new paper and a pen again.

2. You may be surprised, but we repeat the same procedure again.

 In front of you - again 7 colors, start choosing the most fun color one by one. You shouldn't try to link your past and current choices - mark the photos as if you were seeing them for the first time.

We have now completed our psychological test. Why was it necessary to do the same procedure twice? The answer is simple: your first choice (this test is often used to evaluate personality in psychology) is what you want. The second phase reflects a reality that may differ from your wishes. Let's move on to the explanation. Let's define the meaning of each position:

1. Determine the first value you choose by the means by which you achieve your specific goal. It doesn't matter if you have any specific intentions right now, because we're studying what's inherent in your subconscious right now.

2. The second position distinguishes the goal we achieve.

3. After that, we consider pairs of positions. Numbers 3 and 4 describe how you feel about the situation.

4. 5th and 6th place - displays your neutral attitude to these colors. In certain situations, these positions can be of great importance, because they actually reflect or need to be deliberately ignored even better times.

5. Numbers 7 and 8 - something you feel very hateful about.

Once you understand the meaning of each number, you can go to specific definitions.

The meaning of colors

First of all, we can divide all the colors used into two groups - main and additional. The main collection includes blue, blue, green, orange, red and light yellow. With a person's natural state of consciousness and peace of mind, and the absence of internal conflicts, these colors occupy the top five positions.

Additional shades - purple, black, brown, gray. 

These colors belong to the negative group, which shows hidden or explicit fears anxiety and dissatisfaction with the situation. Blue is a symbol of calm and satisfaction.

 Finding him in the first stage of our test speaks of a person's need for comfort and lack of stress. 

In the second option, which symbolizes reality, choosing blue is the most appropriate result. It reflects that you are currently mentally peaceful. Green blue. Color reflects confidence and stubbornness.

 The status of this color indicates that you need, to one degree or another, to trust yourself and your environment. 

If this color is in the last positions of the second test, this indicates a weak personality and the need to support the person.

 Orange and red is the color of movement, excitement and sometimes aggressiveness. 

Depending on the site, it talks about the state of readiness to work and fight problems. Light yellow is the color of fun and social networking. In the duo in blue, it gives the most successful combination. Psychological color tests can help give you an accurate picture of your current state of mind.

Optimistic, pessimistic, realistic

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Think of the last test, but no less interesting in general psychology. This will finally allow you to determine who you are - a cheerful optimist, a sad pessimist or a wise realist. It is necessary to answer questions only "yes" or "no":

1. Are you attracted to the opportunity to travel?

2. Do you like learning something new?

3. Do you have trouble sleeping?

4. Are you a hospitable person?

5. Do you have a tendency to anticipate future problems?

6. Have your friends achieved more in life than you?

7. Do you like to play sports?

8. Does fate often surprise you?

9. Are you concerned about the current state of the environment?

10. Has scientific progress caused many problems for the planet?

11. Was your profession well chosen?

12. How often do you use insurance?

13. Are you a mobile person? Is it easy for you to move to another place if you are offered a business that satisfies you?

14. Do you consider yourself nice?

15. Are you worried about the condition of your body?

16. Aren't you embarrassed about being in an unfamiliar team?

17. Do you like to be at the center of events?

18. Is there friendship without mutual benefit?

19. Do you have your own personal traits?

20. Does everyone build their own destiny?

After answering 20 fairly simple questions, let's move on to the key.

For each key game we give ourselves one point. Answers "yes": 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 13-20. The answers are "no": 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12. 0-5 points. You're definitely pessimistic. Moreover, you are obviously exaggerating your difficulties and problems, because life is full of black lines, but it is not free of white, but you see everything in black. Take a different look at life - the world isn't as dark as you think. 6-10 points. 

You're upset about what's going on. Things aren't going well, even though you're still struggling. Life brings new surprises, and friends are better than you in dealing with them. Yes, you are pessimistic about life, but you have reasons for it.

 However, you shouldn't be alarmed by the small losses and troubles of life - you're doing a great job and going in the right direction. 11-15 points. Your view of life is clear and real. You don't exaggerate sorrows, but you also don't get drunk by the joy of victories. Your attitude to life can be envied, because you are realistic and look at life with confidence. Keep up the good work and don't back down!

16-18 points. You are optimistic, you see your advantages in any problem and try to turn any position in your favor. Adversity doesn't pass you by, but you know how to deal with it properly, your life lights up in color. 19-20. You need to look for an optimist like you. You don't see any problems, the whole world is a rainbow for you. But maybe it's worth looking at life without pink glasses?

 In fact, tampering sometimes leads to serious consequences.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Thus, we have completed personality psychology tests. Of course, three questionnaires aren't enough to learn about someone's deep world, but you've already embarked on a path of self-knowledge and learned a lot about your personality traits and state of mind. 

But don't forget that testing in psychology is not a simple magic wand that anyone can use. Only a specialist psychiatrist can provide accurate information. 

Interesting tests in psychology are just an additional way to research personality. They only provide updated pieces of quality that have been checked. 

Many psychological tests and questionnaires stored online do not reflect reality at all. "Very simple!" Today I have prepared you a very entertaining game that will help you understand yourself and start understanding your inner world. 

Prepare a piece of paper and a pen. First, you will need to read the questions carefully and provide a written answer to them. Try to give your answer as quickly as possible. 

Write or even draw the first thing that comes to your mind. If you answer them immediately and without hesitation, you will be able to establish contact with your subconscious.

psychological test


1. You are walking with someone through the woods. who is this?

2. You are walking in the woods and you see an animal. What is this monster?

3. What happens after you meet his eyes?

4. You go deeper into the woods and see an expanse in front of you. Your dream house is standing in front of you. row size.

5. Is there a fence around it?

6. You enter the house and go to the dining room. Then you see the dining table. What is going on and around it?

7. You go out the back door and see a glass or a mug lying right on the grass. What materials is the container made of?

8. What will you do with it?

9. You go to the end of the clearing, in the middle of which there is a house. There is a tank there. What is this water body?

10. How will you cross the water going forward?

The answers to these questions clarify your values and ideals.


1. The person you walk with is the most important person in your life.

2. The size of an imaginary animal is actually the size of your inner problems. The larger the animal, the more difficult it is for you to survive.

3. How to react to an unexpected meeting in the forest is the most common way to solve problems (aggressive, passive).

4. The size of your dream home is the size of your ambition. If it is too big, you may have high expectations from life.

5. The absence of a fence indicates that you are an open and free person internally. If so, you value personal space and expect the same from others.

6. If there is no food, flowers or people on or near the table, then most likely you are very unhappy.

7. The strength and durability of the material from which the container is made is how strong and strong you perceive your relationship in the family. Disposable plastic or paper cups? glass?  Most likely, you are worried about the future of your family. If the container is made of metal or porcelain, there is no need to worry.

8. Your action characterizes the attitude towards the person from question number 1.

9. The size of the pond is the size of your sexual appetite.

10. The "wet" mode of transportation you choose, the more important sex will be in your life.

This test can be repeated over and over again in a few days. So you can see how you change your emotional state from day to day. Everyone needs to pass this test. I recommend it to your friends!

Self-test exams

Here are selected tests for non-professional use. Anyone can test themselves independently using these tests. The results obtained from these tests should not be taken seriously. However, they are good for expanding "internal horizons" developing self-criticism, and the source of ideas for self-improvement.

 Polish doctors from the National Institute of Health, along with calligraphers and psychologists, developed a test to determine a person's susceptibility to certain diseases by handwriting. 

Do you tend to plan your time and not be at the mercy of external circumstances. The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine the level of honesty and openness of the subject. Designed for occupational psychodiagnosis. 

The "honesty" questionnaire fits well with those questionnaires that do not include a measure of lies: at low grades, square, triangle, rectangle, circle, zigzag - hard work leadership, demise, harmony creativity. Equal or unequal union. Many of us, who are well versed in ourselves, are able to assess and demonstrate the degree of our activity according to our own possibilities.

 At the same time, many people who have given nature a great vital activity, but they do not realize it and do not even know about its existence.

 Anankast has a strong force of unjustified resistance to circumstances. Instead of adapting to it, try at all costs to keep it unchanged. But in life everything changes, a lot in it is relative or does not matter at all to the existence of the person. 

Diagnosis of the tendencies of the professional professions. Diagnosis of the general psychological climate in the family. Wise people love rest before they do something they measure seven times.

 Others rush into life very quickly: they don't care! They are able to risk everything, even if the success of the project is not guaranteed. If you are a young girl or woman who sometimes finds it very difficult to understand her feelings for someone else (young), hopefully this test, developed by Professor Kovalev, will help you to some extent understand your feelings. 

This test will help you reflect on the nature of the relationship with your wife. Irritability.

 What is the importance of sex and the relationship between you and your life? Evaluate every five years of your life according to the degree of saturation of events that are important to you. aggressive or peaceful. If the number of points matches your age everything will be fine. 

For those who prefer creative activity, it is recommended that the psychological age does not exceed the age of the passport. Do you have a lot of creativity that offers you a wide range of possibilities. 

If you can already apply your abilities, you'll have a variety of forms of creativity. Collie. optimistic. Someone with a mine. grieved. The level of public communication tolerance is illustrated by the fact that you don't know how or don't want to understand or accept the individuality of others. 

The individuality of the other is, first and foremost, what constitutes its own: given by its nature, originated, integrated into the environment. veiled cruelty in attitudes towards people, in their judgments. outright cruelty in relationships with people. reasonable negativity in the provisions relating to people. Grumbling, i.e. the tendency to make unreasonable generalizations of negative realities in the area of relationships with partners and in monitoring social reality. ...Arousal, homosexuality Masochism, Sadism, Polygamy, Homosexuality, Animal Doctrine, Narcissism, Voyeurism. Test for women. Body health. Welfare. Friendship is very important. 

And what do you have? Some experts argue that you can tell a lot about each of us in initials. Imbalance. The spelling. Some people find it very difficult to look at themselves from the outside. A lot of people think they're "darlings," they're nice to communicate, and it's good to keep up with the interlocutors. In fact, it often happens that we underestimate the feelings of our neighbor, and be rude and insulting, without noticing it ourselves.

 This test (the so-called Leary questionnaire) is very popular among professional psychologists because of its appropriate content and information.

 Try it yourself. There are people who are always on alert - nothing can surprise amaze or confuse them. Their opposite is that people are distracted and dark, lost in the simplest situations the purpose of this test is to help you deal with internal feelings. The main idea of the test is to find the keyword that will help solve the complexity of pressing human problems. The keyword is just the end of the thread that you need to catch to detect interlocking problems. This test was developed by English psychologists. It will help you find out how good you are with gifts. Are you nice and caring about others? Are you able to give the last shirt to whoever needs it?

 What is the dominant feature of the organization in which you work, male or female?

 to know enough to answer a number of questions. Your dominant defense strategy in dealing with partners. Level of nervousness. Are you the woman men lose their heads for?

 shyness. Introspection of the way you laugh.

 What is your management style: orientation, group or collusion. If you are a pedestrian, this test is not for you. Otherwise, it won't hurt you to know about yourself whether you're a good driver or not. The proposed test, compiled by a French psychologist, is at the same time an exercise that allows parents to better understand issues of raising boys and girls. Captain or passenger, commander follower, commander or follower? Test for women. Connect with people feel free to any company. They easily meet unfamiliar men. Level of conflict. Sixteen types of functional brain asymmetry.

 A lover of entertainment or not, fun or asceticism?

 There are eight types of love for the partner: affection, emotional love, formal romantic, friendliness, killer, perfect love loveless (or very weak).This short test can be used to determine the type of love you have, and this test is widely used in America to diagnose the entrepreneurial line. Through wrinkles one can judge a person's personality: joy, shyness, attention to detail, honesty, intelligence, good nature, disappointment, anxiety, aggressiveness, nervousness, surprise, indifference. Personal introspection. This table was proposed to evaluate couples and candidates for couples by American and Canadian sex scientists. A worthy man must score at least 100 positive points and not more than 45 negative points. Self-assessment questionnaire for observation. Are you a trusted person? Or can't you always be relied upon, you're a little selfish as they say? This technology is for personal use only. It will help identify people at risk of fraud in their environment. What is independence? This is the ability to take responsibility for oneself in a timely manner, and it is also a resolution associated with a sober approach.

 Can you consider yourself one of the people willing to show off their independence and 

self-sufficiency? "Those who search for treasure rarely find it. Those who don't look for him never find it." It is the persistent people who see the goals clearly and stubbornly seek to achieve them and achieve some kind of success in life. 

Is that enough to insist on you? An unprofessional test to study the level of motivation for personal wealth. This test is designed to help you understand the exact question, are you a very self-confident person. With the help of this test, you can check your thoughts on personality and behavior inherent in people of a different sex, and learn about social stereotypes. Analyze drawings made during boring meetings or simply because nothing is done: different patterns in a notebook, on a piece of paper. This test will help you see if you are really sensitive as you sometimes hear. Or you yourself forgive. Alert level. Are you just a pessimist or a maniac pessimist? Are you optimistic about good health, or are you too silly? What is the father of the family? . . . To find out better, the wife must answer 24 questions. rational punk or violent punk. Most people spend about 8 hours a day working and communicate with their colleagues as much as they communicate with their families. Therefore, relationships with colleagues are an important element in a person's life. Bad relationships with colleagues can not only damage the profession or work, but also cause anyone to be unbalanced for too long. This stress tolerance test was developed by a psychiatrist at Boston University Medical Center.

 position of the current post. The possibility of masturbation. The possibility of arousal. Prepare for distorted peer relationships.

 A true fighter or an opportunist?

 Designed for self-testing. Assess your entrepreneurial abilities. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to look at himself from the outside. This test is designed to see how satisfied you are with communication. Countries focused on studying work addiction, such as Japan, the United States and Canada

 use semi-organized interviews to identify work addiction. One such interview is the questionnaire suggested by B. Killinger . It has long been noted that men and women are often very different in their behaviour . Psychologists' experiments have shown that in the presence of other people, these differences are doubly manifested. This explains the fact that we are used to role-playing, men's roles, and women's roles. Shakespeare also used to say, "The whole world is a theatre, and people are actors." Do you know your role? awake and precise, or dreamy and mindless? Introspection of jealousy. Are you decisive? Answer the test, and maybe then you can answer this question more boldly. Level of ambition and career readiness. Are there some manipulative tendencies, or have engrams become familiar to you in the emotional spectrum? Rush. Emotional irritability. Affection. Reproduction of non-reactive experiments. Over-remembering usually leads to the emergence of non-critical activity. A person pretends more than he knows, knows how to do, strives to take over everything, criticizes and teaches everyone, and tries to attract attention to himself at all costs. Excessive energy conflicts with clear logical thinking, and therefore, over-recollection often "skips". The level of

 non-stimulating anxiety. The test is for self-testing. The presence or absence of 

self-destruction syndrome, i.e. the tendency to self-destruction, self-aggression 

self-harm, is diagnosed. tendency to a depressed mood. tendency of frustration. Mel's dorsal mood. A tendency to orgasm. A tendency to maximize. This test was collected by American doctors. I advise you to respond honestly without betraying your soul. It should be noted in particular that the results of this test are not a final "diagnosis." Maybe you need to change your lifestyle somehow. Sometimes it's useful to be a tough leader. Here, however, it is necessary to make a sober assessment of the characteristics of your leadership style and personality. To help you with this self-assessment, a simple but useful test has been developed by management specialists. Depends on the thesis that each leader has two types of mental resources: D-Resources and B-Resources. ... degree of tension in the relationship.

The level of respect for the feelings of the partner. the ability to surrender.

 The test is for self-testing. Do you have a real roaming love or are you a potato lover?

 The questionnaire is designed to determine a person's level of concern about their mistakes. It also indirectly helps to judge the attitude of other people's opinions, the desire for objectivity, the tendency to self-deception and psychological use, are you stubborn and stubborn, excuse me? Is the rigidity of your convictions consistent with the great accuracy and flexibility of your mind? According to Carl Gustav Jung there are two options to adapt to the surrounding world.

One is expansion: constant communication, expanding communication, business relationships, taking everything life has to offer. This is the open-minded. Introverts on the contrary, limit their contacts, and retreat to themselves, as if hiding in a shell Are you insecure, confident or overconfident? Questions for my husband. Questions for your wife. Are you a good diplomat? Is the debate taking place in an authoritarian, authoritarian and non-ceremonial manner? Does your behavior not get a clear assessment on the team?

The first thing that comes to mind is to respond quickly, honestly and without hesitation. This is a very important case.

Take a piece of paper and a pen. After reading the question, type the answer immediately. Don't forget: Type/draw the first link that comes to mind, because thinking already includes a particular game with your subconscious mind.

These questions are:

1. Imagine that you are walking in the woods with someone. Who could it be?

2. You are walking in the forest and you see an animal not far from you. What is this monster?

3. What happens after you meet his eyes?

4. You keep walking through the woods. Head out to the clearing where your dream home is. How would you describe its size?

5. Is your dream home surrounded by a fence?

6. Enter the house. You go to the dining room to look at the dining table. Describe what you see on it and around it.

7. You leave the house by the back door. And you see a cup lying right on the grass. What material is it made of?

8. What would you do if you saw her?

9. You reach the end of the courtyard, in the middle of which there is a house. There is a tank. What is this water body?

10. How will you cross the water going forward?

All of your answers are nothing more than an explanation of your values and ideals. Here's how to analyze it:

1. The person you walk next to is the most important person in your life.

2. The size of the imaginary animal is actually the size of your problems within your subconscious mind. The larger the animal, the more difficult it is for you to survive.

3. How you react to an unexpected encounter in the woods is the most common way to solve problems (aggressive, passive or escaping).

4. The size of the house you see is the size of your ambition. If it is too large, you may have high expectations for life.

5. If there is no fence, then you are an open and free person internally. If so, you value personal space and expect the same from others. That is, you will not enter the personal space of others without permission.

6. If you do not see food, flowers or people in this room, then you are most likely very unhappy.

7. The strength and durability of the material the mug is made of lies in how strong and strong you perceive your relationship with the family. Disposable plastic or paper cups? glass? Most likely, you are worried about the future of your family. If a mug is metal or porcelain on your mind, don't worry.

8. Your work characterizes the attitude towards a person from question number 1.

9. The size of the pond is the size of your sexual appetite.

10. The "wet" mode of transportation you choose, the more important sex will be in your life.

Note: You can perform this test over and over again within weeks, months or years. The truth is that it does not reflect some of the basic characteristics of your personality, but your psychological and emotional state at the moment.


bachelor of arts psychology
arts psychology
bachelor of arts major in psychology
bachelor of arts in applied psychology
bachelor of arts in psychology subjects
arts and psychology
bachelor of arts honours in psychology
bachelor of arts degree in psychology


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