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counseling psychology

 What does counseling psychologist do?

The talk of indicative psychology can be summarized in the following saying: if people's affairs are entrusted with the awe. of the law, and the power of punishment, they may avoid vice but without indifference or timidity, but if you guide them with virtue, and radiate moral sensitivity and social justice, they will not be long until they become worse.

Image by silviarita from Pixabay 

Because of the family, social and economic changes resulting from technological and scientific advances in life, the need for mentoring work by the individual and the community has increased, and in order for this science to play its part, it must be done by competent psychologists. 

This ability is only if they completely collect the science of indicative psychology, which we try to present in a series of articles to illustrate some concepts about psychological guidance, its role and its education.

First, the definition of counseling psychology:

Psychological guidance is the process of encouraging the guided to know himself and discover his abilities and reach a full understanding of himself so that he can do something for himself and deal with the chances of life realistically starting from his abilities and abilities, and psychological guidance needs a psychological guide or therapist experienced in the work of guidance so that he can deal with the guided by the ability and energy of the trainee. 

Guiding psychology in all its concepts is a humanitarian group that includes a number of services provided to individuals to help them understand themselves and understand the problems they suffer, and to use their abilities and talents to overcome the problems they face, leading to compatibility between them and the environment in which they live. Kan 1978 defined indicative psychology as a process of self-realization, where the individual reveals his preparations and abilities, leading to his compatibility, happiness and mental health (Hamed Zahran 1983).

Vaughn (1975): Guiding psychology was defined as the process of helping the individual prepare for his future and take his proper place (Hamed Abdel Aziz al-Fiqi 1988). Fulmer (1972): Guiding psychology was defined as the process of helping the individual develop his or her potential through problems (Hamed Zahran, 1982).  English Ferry said that indicative psychology is a relationship in which one works to help others understand and seek to solve their problems, including the areas of compatibility and educational, vocational and social guidance (Al-Dahiri 2005). Holden (1971) defined indicative psychology as a relationship of problems between a psychological guide who helps the mentor understand himself and solve his problems (Kazem al-Obaidi et al.). (Indicative Psychology - Ahmed AbdulLatif Abu Saad - p. 24-25).

Other scientists have known that psychological guidance takes care of the right individual to help him overcome the problems he faces that he cannot overcome alone and guidance cares about the individual and not the problem he suffers from, considering that he can address his problems if he is not emotionally disturbed. These many definitions demonstrate the importance of guidance and its ability to assist individuals with emotional problems and the role of the guide is clear in assisting.

Psychological guidance is a development of the mentor's abilities, abilities and inclinations by helping to solve problems. 

Guidance: It is a process in which the guide and the guide focus on a problem suffered by the first, which is a human relationship face to face between the first and the second, the first suffers a problem and can not solve it alone, and asks for help from the second and since he is able to help because he is a specialized person and professional trained to help prevails in this relationship friendliness, understanding, respect and acceptance, all of which leads to solving the problem and achieving emotional, social and academic balance. Patterson identified the meaning of mentoring and linking it to behavioral change: learning is a change in behavior, not because of maturity psychological guidance and treatment, so mentoring and treatment should be a color from the practical application of learning and learning theories.

Patterson has identified psychological counseling as helping to get rid of situations that need help and is interested in the indicative relationship that helps case owners, especially those with problems that hinder their progress and through a good human relationship, get rid of the problems. It is defined as a process of building aimed at helping the individual to understand himself, know his experiences, identify his problems, develop his potential and solve his problems in the light of his knowledge, desire, education and training in order to reach the identification of his goals, mental health and compatibility personally, educationally, professionally, family and marriage ally. (Mental health and psychological counselling p. 99-100).

Second, the rationale for counseling psychology:

The individual and the community need guidance and guidance and everyone during their successive stages of development goes through normal problems and critical periods in which they need someone to guide them. 

There have been family changes that are one of the most important features of social change, and there has been significant scientific and technological progress as has the development of education and its approaches, and we are now living in an era called the age of anxiety, all of which confirms that the urgent need for indicative psychology is urgent.

In short, we will clarify these periods and reach the most important justifications for which indicative psychology has come:

1. Transfer periods:

During their development, each individual undergoes critical transition changes in which he or she needs indicative psychology and the most critical periods when an individual moves from home to school and when he leaves school, and from adulthood to age and old age. 

These critical periods of movement may be interspersed with conflicts and frustrations and may be marred by anxiety, fear of the unknown and depression, which requires preparing the individual safely before the transition period. (Indicative Psychology - Ahmed AbdulLatif Abu Saad - p. 19)

2. Family changes:

The family system in different societies varies according to the progress, culture and religion of society, and this difference is manifested in many ways such as the system of social relations ... etc.

3. Social change:

In the present era, the world is witnessing greater rapid and continuous social change, and the process of social change is offset by another process of social control that tries to guide behavior so that it conforms to social norms and does not deviate from them, and there are many factors of social change that have accelerated it from before such as: rapid communication, scientific and technological progress, ease of intercultural mating, growth of awareness, balance and war.

Among the most important features of social change are:

1. Some aspects of behavior have changed, so it became acceptable after what was rejected before, and it became rejected after what was accepted before.
2. - Realizing the importance of education in achieving a rise in the socio-economic ladder.
3. - Expanding the education of women and their going out to work.
4. - Increasing the level of ambition and increasing the social pressures of the vertical social mobility upwards.
5. - The clarity of the conflict between generations and the increase in the differences in values and cultural and intellectual differences, especially between adults and youth, so that the rapid social change almost makes each of the two groups live in a different world. (Guiding Psychology - Ahmed Abdel Latif Abu Saad - p. 20).

4. Technological and Scientific Progress:

The world is now witnessing scientific and technological progress that is increasing in the form of successive engineering, and scientific and technological progress has been achieving in 10 years what it has been achieving in fifty years.

In the past 50 years, he has achieved what he has achieved in the previous 50 years, in which he has achieved the ideals of scientific progress since the dawn of civilization, and one of the most important features of technological progress:

1. - Increasing new inventions.

2. - Changing attitudes, values, ethics and lifestyle.

3. - Changing the educational system and the economic and professional entity.

4. - Increasing the aspiration to the future and planning for it and the emergence of the future world.

5. We know that scientific progress requires consensus on the part of the individual and society and emphasizes the need for guidance and counseling psychology, especially in schools, universities, and industrial and production institutions in order to keep pace and plan for a better future.

6. Education and its Concepts Education has developed and its concepts have developed. In the past, the teacher or the learner or the sheikh and the disciple or the professor and the student used to deal face to face in few numbers and the sources of knowledge and references are few. Its methods, methods, curricula and activities that it organizes.

6. The Age of Anxiety:

We live in an age of anxiety called this name because society is full of conflicts, ambitions and problems of the city, for example people were riding the animals and they are satisfied, and now they have cars and planes but are dissatisfied, looking to the fastest even rocket and spacecraft. Many in modern society suffer from anxiety and problems that demonstrate the need for personalized therapeutic counselling psychology services. (Guidance psychology Ahmed Abdul Latif Abu Saad p. 21).

Between guidance and psychological counseling:

Guidance is more general and more comprehensive than guidance and is part of the mentoring process, and guidance precedes and paves the way for guidance, a general process that is concerned with the theoretical aspects, and a media that often requires the availability of experience in the mentor and means putting the right person in the right place. 

 It can be said that the term guidance at present is limited to the giving of information and specialists have agreed that the guidance includes the mentoring process, while the mentoring process remains within the purview of the guide.

Guidance concept:

Miller defined it as the process of helping individuals to understand themselves choose their right and necessary way of life and modify behavior for the purpose of reaching mature and intelligent goals that correct the course of life.

- It has also been defined as enabling a object or organism to reach its target. 

- Donald J. Morts knew: This part of the overall educational program helps to create personal opportunities and provide specialized services so that each individual can develop his or her abilities and capabilities to the fullest extent possible. 

- It was defined as helping the individual to adapt to current situations, whether personal, social, study or professional, develop a plan to address similar situations in the future or help the individual to grow so that he or she could guide himself and achieve himself. 

- Donald J. Mornes Definition: This part of the overall educational program helps to create personal opportunities and tofler specialized services, enabling each individual to develop his or her abilities and capabilities to the fullest extent possible. (Educational Guidance: Adnan Ahmed Al-Faskos 1428 Ah-2007).

The guidance is therefore a planned organized process through which we seek to achieve the objective set for it and it is not just a process of advice but a process of interaction, understanding and taking between the mentor and the mentor. (Mental health and psychological counselling - Salaheddine Age - p. 97-98).


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